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New York City
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Thursday, 29th July - It is disappointing a little bit - the MOMA, the Museum of Modern Art! The museum owns more than 100'000 exhibits and boasts to own everything especially in the modern design and architecture what is of standing and reputation! However, not even the LC1 is exiposed, one also searches in vain the Miller and von Trier or van Moss there are only a few small sketches. Now well, from 2004 everything has to go greater, more nicely and change - it is to be hoped.

If one is then already in against, one can do still a quick excursion to direction Grand Central Terminal. It became completely renovated, under financial support of Jacky Onassis and her children.

And in the end still a story about the unsharpened pencils which stand on all houses of NYC:

Because the pressure of the New York water pipes reaches mostly only till the sixth floor, the water must be created for all being higher floors after this to flow out then from above in the pipelines. So such a gigantic tub stands on all buildings with more than six floors. 40'000 litres touches water tanks for a normal dwelling house. It is an almost quite kind anachronism of this city that even High-Tech-Skyscraper work like the Sony Bulding or the Trump Tower with this technology. Have developed the inhabitants of New Yorker water tanks, by the way, a certain Mr. Rosenwatch, a Dutch cooper whose family was known for the production by cucumber barrels.

Thanks to these tanks there is in NYC also the occupation of the water tub assembler. From four to five persons are to be repaired urgently around a defective water tank within a brief day - every enterprise was often enough sued because returning home inhabitants of New York could take a shower because of the still continuing works not presently. The business with the water tanks is, by the way, family business: Either I for the Isseks Brothers or R - the initale of the Rosenwatch Tank Company stands on most tubs.

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