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From A to B - But at the end differently than thought
Sunday, 22nd June - In such tour like this there is the days in which it simply goes from A (Spokane - WA) to B (Kalispell - MT). The street they are driven on, are long and just. The bridges they are crossed, arise certainly from the US standard model of 18th - something.

A change are then only so strange matters such as: The «Most northern Point of the Tour» to one occur with there glide on the highways. Places or sceneries which wear a name to which a personal connection exists - about that even more during one of the following days.
Also the «Historic site ahead»-signpost belong to these curiosities, which stand to ten thousands in the highways and lead always to a board which hang on a wooden pole which are carried for their part by two stone columns. Thus it was also with the Kootenai Falls. Why I made an exception just with this «Historic site ahead»-signpost and followed it - no notion - but it has been worthwhile.
US Route 2 :: Spokane (WA) - Kalispell (MT)
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Historic Site - Kootenai Falls
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