Home » Profile » USA Trips » USA '08 » US'08 - 12th July
San Francisco quite in private
Saturday, 12th July – Today my both cameras had rest day. I met two good friends from the time, when we were still persuaded that man with 25 is ancient. At a time, as military strategists thought real that a restricted atomic attack with mini-warheads is possible and at a time, when each of us three was persuaded, that the Berlin Wall will never be history in our life.

In the evening it went in the same Indian restaurant in the Castro, while we had seen ourselves 11 years ago last time and after that - nostalgically as we are - also in the same karaoke bar like 11 years ago, where a half dozen-wise the Lisas, the Dorises and the Babras tore themselves the mike out of the finger and the whole place - enclosed to us - gave at the top of the voice «Qué Será, Será» to the best.

This day became only so possible, because my tour along the California State Route 1 to Los Angeles (CA), in the most true sense of the word, had resolved in smoke. Since the forest fires in the Big Sur prevented a coming through on the California State Route 1.
picture Boa's Non-Reise-Gadget #6
At the beginning every bigger tour, there are things, which are considered as indispensable about the tour. Then, at the end of the tour turns out, that they were never used or at least were unsuitable. For the end of this gadget-series, three such exampels from this tour.
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